Min & Emilias chatt!

EMILIA: Jag ser vad du gör -A
TILDA:And I see you -W
TILDA: Come to my house and I say who I am -W
EMILIA: Yes, I come too your house nowwww...Didam dooii -E
TILDA: Now? No, no, no, nooo. Not now, 07.55 -W
EMILIA: Oh, I mean 07.55!! -E
TILDA: Goood. Gooood. That's right! -W
TILDA: -E? I speak with someone other than -A now? I understaaand. That's weird! -W
EMILIA: Aaaaahhh that -A! -A is my cat.. She loves too send sms. -E
TILDA: Okeey, that's really, really weird! But ok, I understand. -W

HAHA ! xd Vi är gryyyymma! Våra chatter är gryyyymma!

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Hahahahahaahhahahqhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaha!! Fan vad roliga!!!!


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